TO REGISTER: Click the Venmo or PayPal link on this page. Once you receive confirmation from Venmo or PayPal, you're all set.
CANCELLATION POLICY: Because of the unpredictible nature of our business, I offer full refunds to those who cancel prior to the workshop date via e-mail.
DISCOUNTS: If you can't afford the fee because of financial hardship, click here to register at a price you can manage. This operates on the honor system.

Busy working TV and stage actor Michael Kostroff de-terrorizes the audition process — from preparation to callback — in his unique four-hour interactive lecture that uses common sense, blunt reality, humor, and a pro-actor sensibility to help actors conquer the mental gremlins that get in the way. In the two decades since its inception, thousands of performers all over the world have attended Audition Psych 101, describing it as mind-blowing, practical, inspiring, eye-opening, laugh-inducing, and career-changing. (Read what actors are saying here.)
In his updated version, Audition Psych 101.5, Michael addresses the new mental challenges sccompanying the era of the self-tape, along with new insights on the audition process in general.